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Terms of Service


Updated 12.1.2024


1. Parties to the Agreement


1.1 Service Provider


Tuttu Lastenhoito Oy (hereinafter referred to as "Tuttu")

Business ID: 3369543-5
Address: Rantakartanontie 6 F 220, 00910 Helsinki



1.2 Service Recipient


The service recipient is a household (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer").


2. Content of the Agreement


The purpose of this agreement (“Agreement) is to define the terms under which Tuttu offers one-time or recurring in-home childcare visits (the "Service") to the Customer.


The Service is provided by Tuttu or a provider appointed by Tuttu and accepted by the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider"). Tuttu reserves the right to provide the Service itself or use subcontractors in service production.


Each of Tuttu's service providers commits to exercising special care as required by the nature of the work. Tuttu is responsible for verifying the Provider's criminal background if agreed upon with the Customer.


The Customer commits to the Service and the Agreement when the Customer confirms the Provider offered by Tuttu by text, email or in the application. The Agreement between the Customer and Tuttu is considered to have entered into force when Tuttu has confirmed the Customer's request in writing. After the Agreement has entered into force, Tuttu may establish a common communication channel for the Customer and Provider, through which the Customer can order childcare visits.

Tuttu does not guarantee that a suitable Provider will be available for every Customer request.


3. Content of the Service


The Customer may specify the tasks for the Provider before the beginning of each childcare visit. However, Providers primarily focus on childcare and do not perform medical or healthcare-related tasks, such as tasks related to medication. When confirming the Provider, the Customer must ensure that the Provider is suitable for the planned tasks.


When ordering the Service, the Customer is obligated to provide information about their child's special needs, other essential considerations related to childcare, as well as information on potential pets in the Customer’s household. The Customer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided and is obligated to inform Tuttu about any possible changes.


4. Price of the Service and Payment Terms


The price of the Service is agreed upon at the time of conclusion of this Agreement. The price includes the Provider's fee, a service fee at the level indicated on Tuttu's website or communicated to the Customer at the time of making the Agreement, and VAT at a rate of 24%. Tuttu reserves the right to make changes to the price of the Service and will inform the Customer in writing at least 30 days before the changes take effect.


An invoice for the completed Service will be sent to the Customer's email address after the Service has been provided if the order is one-time in nature. In the case of a recurring order, the invoice will be sent once a month. Payments cannot be made in cash during the visit. The payment term is 14 days net. A handling fee of 5 € is charged for payment reminders, along with late payment interest according to the current Interest Act (633/1982) Section 12.


5. Validity


This Agreement comes into force when the Customer has confirmed the Provider offered by Tuttu by text, email or in the application and Tuttu has confirmed the Customer’s request in writing.


Tuttu has the right to change the terms of the Service by notifying the Customer in writing at least 30 days before these changes come into force.


The Customer may terminate the Agreement with a written notice to Tuttu ( If the termination occurs less than 24 hours before the start time of an already agreed childcare visit, the cancellation terms agreed upon in section 9.1 will apply. Additionally, Tuttu reserves the right to terminate the Agreement and stop providing the Service at its own discretion by notifying the Customer in writing at least 30 days before the termination of the service provision.


Sections 6, 7, 8, 10, and 13 of this Agreement remain in effect after the termination of this Agreement.


6. Confidentiality


The Customer has a confidentiality obligation regarding the Provider's personal information and other personal matters related to the Provider that come to light in the application, in messages exchanged with Tuttu or the Provider, or during the course of work. Exceptions include situations where, for example, disclosing the Provider's name to a third party is necessary for the performance of the Service (e.g., picking up a child from daycare).


Providers and Tuttu are bound by an absolute duty of confidentiality and commit not to disclose information about the Customer, other individuals served by the Service, or those who are otherwise involved in it.


7. Data privacy


The Customer's and their family members' personal data will be processed in the application and in all Tuttu's activities in accordance with Finnish law and Tuttu's data privacy practices, which can be found here:


8. Liability and Limitation of Liability


Tuttu has a valid liability insurance acquired from a reputable insurance company, which covers potential direct damages caused by the Provider. Tuttu is not responsible for indirect damages. A compensation claim must be submitted in writing to within two weeks of the childcare visit during which the Provider caused the damage.


Additionally, the Provider has a valid accident insurance in place during the childcare visits.


The liability for damages, the extent of the responsibility, and limitations are determined according to the insurance terms.


The liability for damages does not apply if the damage is provably caused by an obstacle that Tuttu or the Provider could not influence, or which Tuttu could not reasonably have anticipated during the validity of the Agreement, or whose consequences Tuttu could not have reasonably prevented.


9. Changes


9.1 Cancellations


If the Customer cancels a childcare visit less than 24 hours before the agreed start time of the childcare visit, Tuttu has the right to charge the Customer a fixed handling fee of €10. In addition, the Customer and the Provider may mutually agree on an alternative time or a reasonable monetary compensation for the Provider and inform Tuttu, which will charge the agreed amount from the Customer and pay the compensation to the Provider.


If the Provider cancels the provision of the Service for a reason that is unrelated to Tuttu, the Provider has the opportunity to present a substitute. The substitute can provide the Service if they meet the same qualifications and competence as the original Provider, have insurance coverage equivalent to the original Provider, and are accepted by the Customer.


If the original Provider does not want or cannot present a substitute, or if the Customer does not accept the substitute, Tuttu will attempt to find an alternative Provider accepted by the Customer. However, Tuttu is not obliged to compensate the Customer for any damage that may result from the cancellation.


9.2 Service Time and Delays


If the start or end time of a childcare visit changes for reasons related to the Customer or the Provider, the Customer or the Provider must inform Tuttu, for example, through a common communication channel between the Customer, Tuttu and the Provider. The Customer's charges and the Provider's compensation correspond to the actual duration of the Service.


9.3 Interruption of the Service


If the Customer or another individual behaves inappropriately, harasses, is intoxicated, or may pose a danger to the Provider or to another individual during the provision of the Service, the Provider has the right to immediately suspend the visit and leave the premises, and to notify the authorities if necessary. In such cases, Tuttu has the right to suspend the provision of services to the Customer.


10. Complaints


If the Customer is dissatisfied with the performance or quality of the Service, any complaints should be made within seven (7) days of the Service being provided, primarily by email to Tuttu will seek to resolve the issue through discussions with the Customer and the Provider.


11. Invalidity of the Agreement


If any provision of this Agreement is subsequently declared invalid, it does not affect the validity of the entire Agreement.


12. Force Majeure


Tuttu is not responsible for delays or non-performance of the Service caused by force majeure. Such events include, for example, strikes, natural disasters, power outages, and pandemics.


13. Dispute Resolution


Disputes related to this Agreement shall be primarily resolved between the parties. If this does not lead to a satisfactory resolution, disputes shall be settled in the Helsinki District Court.

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